Had some server issue but I am back!

POTAR's Golden Urchin Bells

I had some serious server issues last month but POTAR Design Devices is back! Everything is running smooth, transactions are secure, and I have something new to offer. The newest POTAR one-off, Golden Urchin Bells. Limited Edition : 1 of 1 in this format How do you play it? You can strum or pick the … Read more

Field Recording: Croaker sounds on the first day of Spring 2024

Most Croakers are gregarious, community animals and make noise by way of oscillating their swim bladder as part of their spawning ritual. The swim bladder is a pocket of air inside most fish that helps keep them afloat and facing upright. Male croakers use this sound to attract females. Being the first day of Spring … Read more

Meal Worm Action: Using the Dual OPA Buffer

meal worm sounds

Headphones Recommended – Just a fun little sound experiment with our lizards food. I attached 2 – 35mm piezos to a small tub of meal worms via my Dual OPA field buffer and then into the trusty Mix Pre 6 II – kind of what you would expect, lotsa scratchy little legs in the saw … Read more

Near The Shore – reimagined sound for the Cities and Memory podcast

Remixing the world one sound at a time

Cities and Memory is a collaborative sound art and field recording program with “the aim of remixing the world, one sound at a time“. The site boasts “Thousands of field recordings, recomposed and reimagined by artists around the world to create a new, alternative world of sound.” When I heard that they were accepting submissions I knew I … Read more

POTAR Design Concern