Super Sound Urchin is a musical instrument with spines like a sea urchin that is played lie a kalimba
POTAR Design Devices SOUND URCHIN is an electro-acoustic musical instrument


contact mics on a clock
opa buffer thumbnail

Dual Piezo Buffer

POTAR Hydrophone 2023
hydrophone by POTAR Design Devices


circuit bent Yamaha DD14 drum machine by POTAR
circuit bent Yamaha DD14 drum machine by POTAR

Circuit Bent

Electromagnetic Frequency Probe by POTAR Design Devices
POTAR Design Devices - EMF Detector and Probe

EMF Probe

OPA impedance buffer setup with Sound Devices MixPre 6 II
basic contact mic

Contact Mic


New POTAR track POTAR new sounds

New POTAR track

Outerspaces InnerplacesVideo | MP3Premiered 10.25.2024 on NYA LJUD new sounds show – Link to listen to archived show | Show…

POTAR Design Devices