We got Kits!
Just released our Sound Urchin Kit and have two versions available, one that is a beginner friendly kit and another that comes with a wooden cigar box and a metal battery holder. Just about everything you need to get your Sound Box up and rockin’.
Really simple build, very few parts, super powerful sound. I also put together a short build guide with photos for users who have never put together a kit.
Advanced builders can mod the kit by adding a volume control, adding gain controls (pins 1 and 8 are unused but can control gain), or utilizing the kit as a guitar effect (omit the piezo for another audio jack and you have a boost pedal). The kit works great as cigar box guitar pickup as well (volume control recommended).

Sound Urchin Circuit Kit

Cigar Box Circuit Kit
Just Circuit Boards

Sound Urchin Circuit Board
The original Sound Urchin Circuit made available for your sound box designs. Perfect for those people who have all the parts already.

A piezo amplifier board that takes things to the next level, HD Audio. This is the same circuit used in my hydrophones and contact mic field buffers.