Had some server issue but I am back!

POTAR's Golden Urchin Bells

I had some serious server issues last month but POTAR Design Devices is back! Everything is running smooth, transactions are secure, and I have something new to offer. The newest POTAR one-off, Golden Urchin Bells. Limited Edition : 1 of 1 in this format How do you play it? You can strum or pick the … Read more

Building OPA Impedance Buffers

completed Alice Mini board

Hot air reflow is so much easier than I thought it would be. The trick to getting everything placed correctly is to eat a good breakfast and not drink too much coffee. I am using these OPA “Alice” circuits in the hydrophones, dual impedance buffers, and Sound Urchin XLR products. They use a high definition, … Read more

Meal Worm Action: Using the Dual OPA Buffer

meal worm sounds

Headphones Recommended – Just a fun little sound experiment with our lizards food. I attached 2 – 35mm piezos to a small tub of meal worms via my Dual OPA field buffer and then into the trusty Mix Pre 6 II – kind of what you would expect, lotsa scratchy little legs in the saw … Read more

Near The Shore – reimagined sound for the Cities and Memory podcast

Remixing the world one sound at a time

Cities and Memory is a collaborative sound art and field recording program with “the aim of remixing the world, one sound at a time“. The site boasts “Thousands of field recordings, recomposed and reimagined by artists around the world to create a new, alternative world of sound.” When I heard that they were accepting submissions I knew I … Read more

POTAR Design Devices