Near The Shore – reimagined sound for the Cities and Memory podcast

Remixing the world one sound at a time

Cities and Memory is a collaborative sound art and field recording program with “the aim of remixing the world, one sound at a time“. The site boasts “Thousands of field recordings, recomposed and reimagined by artists around the world to create a new, alternative world of sound.” When I heard that they were accepting submissions I knew I … Read more

Hydrophone tests at the mouth of San Gabriel River

I had experimented with contact mics and water before, sort of quasi-hydrophone. It worked ok as long there was some sort of current or splashing, running water, etc. The results were not great, even after upgrading my personal contact mics to a balanced design using dual piezos. Enter the amazing “Let’s build some world-class hydrophones” … Read more

POTAR Design Concern