Had some server issue but I am back!

I had some serious server issues last month but POTAR Design Devices is back! Everything is running smooth, transactions are secure, and I have something new to offer.

The newest POTAR one-off, Golden Urchin Bells.

Limited Edition : 1 of 1 in this format

How do you play it?

You can strum or pick the springs, strike them, or use of friction. Same goes for the bells.

Try different objects like brushes, other springs, rubber tipped mallets, etc.


  • 1/4″ output
  • Orange LED power indicator
  • Volume Control
  • 9 volt wall wart powered (not included, same as PigHog, Boss, etc.)
  • Battery Dongle Included!

The Sound Urchin requires 9 volt for power and a strong sense of imagination. The perfect addition to any sound design studio.

Makes an interesting and excellent gift to experimental musicians.

Purchase Info

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