Field Recording: Croaker sounds on the first day of Spring 2024

Most Croakers are gregarious, community animals and make noise by way of oscillating their swim bladder as part of their spawning ritual. The swim bladder is a pocket of air inside most fish that helps keep them afloat and facing upright. Male croakers use this sound to attract females. Being the first day of Spring I figured it was a good time to go give them a visit.

Recorded at low-tide on the bridge over the San Gabriel River that connects Seal Beach to Long Beach at Marina Drive. From this bridge it is less than 1 mile from the open ocean. The Croakers were very active, there is also shrimp and even frogs if you listen close enough. There was also a fair amount of car traffic (vibrating the bridge and being picked up) and some small boat noise in the distance.

Recorded on a Mix Pre 6 II with DIY OPA Hydrophones

Hydrophones Available

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