Super Sound Urchin

$250.00 $250.00

2 Available – backorders can take 3 weeks or longer*

Played much like a kalimba, the Super Sound Urchin also “picks up” the vibrations of items it is placed on or near. Experimentation is the cornerstone of an instrument like the Sound Urchin, I recommend running it through your pedalboard (think delay and modulation, or your synth (as a trigger or added organic texture). You are only limited by your imagination.

  • Powered by 9volt center ground wall wart (not included)
  • Super Bright Blue LED power indicator
  • Built-in Amplifier
  • Standard 1/4″ output

Available on backorder


FOUR in stock!

The Super Sound Urchin is an analog vibratory sound generator and pickup; kinda like a kalimba but weirder. Features 1/4″ output so you can run the Sound Urchin through your pedalboard. Perfect for creating aleatoric soundscapes, off-kilter melodies, and general musical noisiness. Place the Super Sound Urchin on anything that vibrates to pick up the sounds and amplify them, the variable 10″ diameter spines add an interesting reverb-like quality to output. It is more bassy than the Orig. Sound Urchin with spines that seem to ring on and on.

Unlike the Sound Urchin Mini, and most other piezoelectric devices, the Super Sound Urchin comes with a built-in pre-amplifier blue LED power indicator and runs on a common 9-volt (center ground, not included) power supply like the One Spot, PigHog, etc. Comes with a battery dongle.

Sound Urchins sound great with delay, and other modulation effects.

Handmade in the USA

* backorders of the Super Sound Urchin are filled in the order they are received. When the parts are readily available, they are taken off of backorder once outstanding orders have been filled. Thanks for your support.


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POTAR Design Concern