Making a large windscreen for microphones on the cheap

I needed bigger wind protection for my handheld recoding setup but scoffed at the high prices for the name brand options. I am a field recording hobbyist (at best), so spending bug bucks is out of the question. After building some smaller, slide-on wind protection for my small capsule mics, I knew I could build … Read more

Had some server issue but I am back!

POTAR's Golden Urchin Bells

I had some serious server issues last month but POTAR Design Devices is back! Everything is running smooth, transactions are secure, and I have something new to offer. The newest POTAR one-off, Golden Urchin Bells. Limited Edition : 1 of 1 in this format How do you play it? You can strum or pick the … Read more

Power sag for guitar EFX


Update 07/07/2024 I started making the dying battery effect in 2011 (by request for Christian Hand). Since then I have updated the design a couple times but the last version is was a complete overhaul of the circuit. Since then a lot of different companies have started offering some version of this effect. I have … Read more

Simple P48 for electret mic capsules

simple p48 wiring with a single resistor and capacitor

Building a Simple P48 circuit for your electret mic capsule is as simple as it sounds. I put the following diagram together to help beginners better visualize how everything is connected to the XLR. How to wire up the Simple P48 to an XLR What mic capsules will work? The Simple P48 circuit works with … Read more

Building OPA Impedance Buffers

completed Alice Mini board

Hot air reflow is so much easier than I thought it would be. The trick to getting everything placed correctly is to eat a good breakfast and not drink too much coffee. I am using these OPA “Alice” circuits in the hydrophones, dual impedance buffers, and Sound Urchin XLR products. They use a high definition, … Read more

POTAR Design Devices