Pitch control for cassette players

Figured I might as well post this stripboard layout that I did for the cassette player speed mod. It is based on a drawing from the old Casper Electronics website. Only requires a small piece of stripboard (4×6 ) and 5 components. There are other ways to affect the speed of a tape player motor … Read more

Speak and Math MidiSpeak

When I saw the midi speak kit online I knew I had to have one for my Speak and Math. The circuit-bent Speak and Math is already a ton of fun to play with. Sick, sputtering, looping glitches, word fragments, and random number strings are common, so getting it to trigger along with your drum … Read more

Circuit Bend a Toysmith Megaphone Voice Changer

Here is a handy diagram for circuit bending a Toysmith Megaphone Voice Changer. There are a couple more mods you can do to this bad boy but the ones pictured are the key to getting sound in and out via jacks, as well as pitch and feedback loop. These are really versatile in the studio … Read more

8 Monotron Delays and 8 Sequencers in one box

FROM 2012 : This is a project I started a few months back for a friend who is looking to sequence 8 Korg Monotrons for live performance… once the Monotron Delays get delivered I will most likely follow the great advice, directions, and tips at Steve Woodward’s site, he has compiled most of what is … Read more

Yamaha Mu-5 Build Pics

I bent this Yamaha MU-5 a few months back and never posted the pics here. The ic is surface mount and has tiny legs that make it a chore to solder to, but the results are worth all the solder stress. I love to chain this thing to my Roland Tr-505 or Alesis HR-16 and … Read more

The Revenger!

Revenger circuit with body contacts and pitch

I made this out of stuff from my junk box/pile. The main circuit is from a Radio Shack desktop toy called “The Revenger”, complete with Laser, Machine Gun, & Bomb sound effects. I may have to record another video using the Dub Box Delay so you can hear the true LoFi reggae glory. Simple pitch … Read more

Rockin’ Robot aka Mr. Mike

Taking a break from the “massive project” to bend an old Mr. Mike some dude sent over.. here are the first couple of bends I’ve found.. I also found a master pitch control.. will post more when I get it finished. UPDATE 10.07.11 Shipped back to his owner in Niagara Falls, NY, I’m gonna keep … Read more

POTAR Design Concern