Circuit Bent Voice Changer Megaphone – blue

$75.00 $75.00

What have I added to make these so neat?

  • 1/8″ Input Jack: so you can run your other crazy instruments into this “circuit bent noise filter”
  • 1/8″ Output Jack: so you can plug this bad boy into your gear
  • Always on Switch: no need to mess around with the trigger, hands free so you can bang on your bongos or slap on your bass.
  • Feedback Loop: with on/off switch and a pot to control the amount of feedback noise. Super not useful and noisy but very much fun and that is the purpose of this thing.


Use the crazy sounds of the Voice Changer Megaphone to process your voice, guitar, synth, and and drum machine!

What have I added to make these so neat?

  • 1/8″ Input Jack: so you can run your other crazy instruments into this “circuit bent noise filter”
  • 1/8″ Output Jack: so you can plug this bad boy into your gear
  • Always on Switch: no need to mess around with the trigger, hands free so you can bang on your bongos or slap on your bass.
  • Feedback Loop: with on/off switch and a pot to control the amount of feedback noise. Super not useful and noisy but very much fun and that is the purpose of this thing.

Purchased brand new and modified by POTAR Design Devices in Southern California.


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