Simple P48 for electret mic capsules

simple p48 wiring with a single resistor and capacitor

Building a Simple P48 circuit for your electret mic capsule is as simple as it sounds. I put the following diagram together to help beginners better visualize how everything is connected to the XLR. How to wire up the Simple P48 to an XLR What mic capsules will work? The Simple P48 circuit works with … Read more

Low Power Vacuum Tube PreAmp

I have wanted to learn more about vacuum tubes for years but was always put off by the extremely deadly power requirements. Working with low power sources for so long, I have blown my fair share of capacitors, which is scary enough for me. Recently I discovered the world of sub-miniature vacuum tubes and the … Read more

Germanium Fuzz using MP16b PNP transistors

The perfect layout for using the MP16b transistors that I have been importing from Russia. This layout is based on the Sabro Fuzz Face layout. I moved the bias from inside to the top so you can go from scuzzy velcro to full-on fuzz. I also dropped a line from the vero that was unused. … Read more

Pitch control for cassette players

Figured I might as well post this stripboard layout that I did for the cassette player speed mod. It is based on a drawing from the old Casper Electronics website. Only requires a small piece of stripboard (4×6 ) and 5 components. There are other ways to affect the speed of a tape player motor … Read more

POTAR Design Concern