Ambisonic Microphone Capsule Holder
$20.00 $20.00
Build your own DIY Ambisonic Microphone using this amazing 3D printed capsule holder.
15 in stock
Price can be a huge barrier to entry for a lot of exciting aspects of sound design and field recording. One example is how pricey it can be to get into ambisonic recording due to the expense of decent microphones. Good news, if you can solder then you can build your own first-order ambisonic microphone around this 3D printed capsule holder.
This model was designed by ViewUpHere to house four Transsound TSB-2590A or four JLI-2590A capsules, based around the Ambisonic Instructable by Jules Ryckebusch. Using simple P48 wiring and few other parts you can be up and running in an afternoon.
Note: My own personal set of 2590A’s are in route and I plan a write up on the build process when I get them. I am also working on designing a body for these as the usual donor bodies are a little large. Check back often for updates.
tsb-2590a ambisonic rev 1
by ViewUpHere is licensed under the Creative Commons – Attribution – Share Alike license.
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