1/4 inch inputsSound UrchinHing Hon EK-001Univox Super-Fuzz clonePowerstarve3 Channel passive mixerAuditory VomitoriumPT2399 Comic Noise Ensemble #2Eclectric Kalimba Spring ThingEclectric Kalimba modI have done a ton of these.I have done a ton of these.Sold to Buck SandersSold to Hidetoshi SuzukiSold to E.N.D from WA$HSold to The Lost and Found SoundPersonal HR-16Sold to Igor AmokianSold to Drone HandsDSI for PolternGift to Igor OgogoOwned by Give Up RecordsI wish I could find more of these.Gift to JMMSold on eBaySold on eBaySold on eBaySold on eBaySold on eBay8 step sequencer8×8 sequencer8×8 sequencer